Advertise with Oak Bay Local

Oak Bay Local delivers high quality, engaging stories through our email newsletter delivered to over 6,500 locals every Tuesday and Thursday.

📈 Reach: 6,500+ opted-in subscribers (nearly 50% of local adults)

⚡️ Avg click rate: 22%

 Ad clicks: 50-100 clicks on average, per ad

✉️ Avg open rate: 62%

📣 Impressions: One issue generates 4,000+ impressions for each ad

📍 Location: Almost all our readers live, work, or play in Oak Bay

👥 Key audience stats:

  • Our readers are primarily 35-65 years old

  • Over 75% are homeowners

  • Over 60% live in a house

  • 48% have a household income over $75K

  • 13% have a household income over $200K

  • 24% are decision makers at their companies

We currently offer 4 types of ads:

Newsletter Title Partner

Top logo placement, be the first thing readers see when they open the newsletter.

125-word story within top half, with an image.

1 spot available per issue.


Newsletter Spotlight Partner

50-word story within bottom half, with an image.

1 spot available per issue.


Newsletter Classified Bulletin

30-word text ad.

5 spots available per issue.


Facebook Group Post

A promotional post in our Facebook Group (23K+ members).

👉️ Buy a post now

Our network beyond Oak Bay

Oak Bay Local is part of the Overstory Media Group community, which includes other publications across Greater Victoria (and also around Canada), including:

Our partnerships team can customize any campaign to get you seen in Greater Vic and beyond! Get in touch with us today 🙂